Buy real estate in Europe with real estate recommendations from Liveio? is a trendy real estate portal specialized at helping real estate agents and individuals to sell real estate properties in EU. We will also discuss about a few real estate market strategies combined with some analysis of 2019-2020 real estate market trends in EU.

Now that the European Bank officially announced that the interest rates will remain very low, close to 0%, and that the bond-buying programme will end, we have a better picture for 2020 real estate development. Surprisingly or not, this announcement has no major direct impact in the real estate business. Professionals think that even though the rates will remain pretty much the same, for the time being, the rental price and inflation will increase. On the other hand, a geopolitical change can quickly increase the rates and this is why interviewees expect short and long term interest rates to increase a bit. When it comes to the end of the bonds-buying programme we have to be careful that in markets like Spain or Portugal, this might be risky. Since 2008, they have not gone to the capital markets to fund themselves. If they are now going back to capital markets and cannot sell bonds at interest rates of less than 5 or 6%, they cannot fund themselves.

Should you worry about low inflation when buying property abroad? Some investors ask about the lack of inflation and whether it still matters. Based on the understanding that we have always sold real estate on the following argument: because of inflation, your investment will always be protected — it’s a hedge protection. Today, however, we don’t have inflation or, if we do, it’s a mere few percent. When investors ask if it stills matters, the answer is yes. Inflation in the Euro area is currently at 1.3% as of June 2019, and is not expected to soar substantially in the coming years. If, for one reason or another, inflation were to recover further, real estate investors could benefit because, besides a potential rise in the value of their investments, rental contracts are generally indexed and reviewed upwards on a regular basis, as in the UK. A continuous, long-lasting lack of inflation would be bad news for a property investor. But in case of deflation, we also see a decrease of asset values, and that is no good news either. Inflation still matters, and we hope to have a return of a healthy inflation of 2% in the coming years – though, as ECB president Mario Draghi said, we must be patient. Read more details European Real Estate Listings.

Now let’s talk about several real estate tricks for agents: Hold open houses: Make sure the home is staged beautifully, the utilities are on and everything is functioning. Both interior and exterior staging is necessary if you want to impress. Be present as often as possible; having other agents work your open house means they’ll want a piece of the action. This is your listing, so work it every which way you can. Talk price with the seller: Price expectations should be realistic. Have comparisons ready to show your seller, and work with him or her to come up with a fair number. Look at what your listing has to offer over others, and vice versa. Sometimes it’s better to have a low price point and get multiple offers than to ask for the moon and get lowball offers. Make sure you’re being heard by your client. This will ensure you’re covered down the line if you’re client didn’t want to listen and the property doesn’t sell. Selling is constant push and pull, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Enjoy the ride!

Why settle for a platform that are just mainly constructed for the private buyer? Why not also design a service that include all partys at the negotiation table? And while we’re at it – why make distinction between the market place for selling and renting out? Liveio is a platform equally designed to meet the needs of the professional broker as the house hunting private individual. Motivated by the notion that the boundaries are nonexistent we added the opportunity for agents to pinpoint and establish contact with the right clients for the real-estate in question. Source: