Excellent structural racism board game with Inequality-opoly? Inequality-opoly is created by Perry Clemons, an former 3rd grade and ESL educator and current educational game creator. Perry is the founder of Clemons Education Inc. which strives to create educational games and experiences that are MIRRORS for Self-discovery, WINDOWS into other worlds, and DOORS to new opportunities. Perry Clemons is an educator, game creator, and current contact tracer from Harlem, NY. The idea for Inequality-opoly came when Perry attended diversity, equity, and inclusion seminars. See more information at Inequality-opoly.

Diversity And Inclusion tip of the day : According to Harvard Business Review, companies with higher-than-average diversity had 19% higher revenues. It is the first vital activity to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Team managers can arrange monthly seatings to discuss and design the different diversity acts. For example, employees with different backgrounds can brief what holy days or holidays are essential to them. Accordingly, they can be offered time off. It spreads historical and cultural knowledge among coworkers. It also increases interpersonal understanding with the fewest possible side effects.

When I played Inequality-opoly, I was deeply impressed by how population statistics come to life as each player experiences the many ways in which race and gender have a dramatic and significant impact on daily life events. But even more impressive – and depressing – is the realization of the inevitability of the unfairness in the game’s ultimate outcome. It is the clear connection between cause and effect, in this case the link from systemic racism and sexism to the lived experiences of individuals, that makes Inequality-opoly such a powerful educational tool.

From education and housing to incarceration and wealth, population statistics fail to convey the staggering mosaic of individual stories that, collectively, make up those statistics. This, in a way, should not be surprising: statistical measures, by design, are meant to provide an abstraction, reducing large amounts of individual data into a handful of numbers that convey useful information about a population. In fact, the term “statistics” allegedly first came from the German philosopher and economist Gottfried Achenwall, who coined the word Statistik to describe the science of analyzing demographic and population data about the state, helping leaders make decisions without being bogged down in the individual details.

This month marks two years since the mass protests for racial justice. They forced society to reckon with the racial inequities that have been deeply engrained in policies and practices that shape nearly every aspect of our lives. They also underscored the acutely disparate health and economic effects the COVID-19 pandemic had on Black people and other people of color. Finally, public and private entities began examining the ways they historically contributed to or were sustaining such inequity. The federal government vowed to prioritize advancing racial equity, as did private companies and philanthropy. Find extra info at https://www.inequality-opoly.com/.