High quality free sound alerts for Twitch by Overgame? Laugh all you want at Twitch’s competitors, but if you’re consistently averaging low viewers, then you might have to start looking at other places to help kickstart your stream’s growth. No question that Twitch is the streaming site of choice for millions of viewers at the moment, but streaming sites like Facebook Gaming, YouTube, and Caffeine are bankrolled by huge names and companies in hopes of potentially dethroning them. Whether that happens or not isn’t a concern for someone looking to jumpstart their stream. What you should consider is how this affects your viewership.

Other paid options? Own3D.tv offers a vast range of add-ons that you can use to customize your Twitch live-streaming channel. Most of these templates, graphics, sounds, and other add-ons are also usable on your Mixer or YouTube Gaming live-streaming channel, too. Included in Own3D.tv’s offering is a range of Stream Alert Sounds and Twitch Notification Sound Sets. Own3D.tv currently offers 24 of these sound files. According to their website, “most Twitch Alert Sounds are just simple sound sets with no real meaning. That’s not enough for us! On own3d.tv, you’ll find Alert Sounds especially composed for Streamers on Twitch, YouTube, or Facebook. This way, you can highlight notifications in your stream even better and motivate your viewers to interact even more with you. Especially for followers, donations, hosts, raids, and more.”

Final Hearts : This set is lighter, with a young advertur voice, like Sora for kingdom hearts, hence the name, and a touch of Naruto in there. You can download alerts for free from the Sora Soundboard. Cpt. Steambeard (Pirate): This is an awesome character for your Twitch stream, especially if you are a Sea of Theives fan, the sound alerts fit in perfectly, got some cool quote in there too. Download your pirate Twitch sound alerts FREE from the Pirate Soundboard! Discover additional info at Free Twitch alert sounds.

Twitch stream and game of the month ? But with the right streams, you can learn ways to get better at PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, watch some of the best players show you how it’s done, or just kick back and have a laugh with some of Twitch’s more fun personalities. Here’s a list of the best PUBG streams you should check out, ranging from the educational to the hilarious. When you want to watch someone who might make you better at PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds through what you can learn from them, Anthony_Kongphan is the guy (although we also have a beginner’s guide right here). He’s pretty good at the game in general — especially with a scope and some range — and sports some high kill counts in lots of matches. But it’s not just twitch aiming skills he’s deploying. He knows some solidly useful PUBG tactics, and it’s fun to watch him anticipate what other players’ plans.

Free to download, sounds are made for Twitch, so all the regular Twitch alerts are captured, New donation/sub/follow etc and with extras for fun. No need to contact to use them! They are FREE TO USE!! All the alerts are all game references; the character accents, the artwork and the names. We called them sound cartridges, because we made them like gameboy cartridges. We have made huge packs that people can buy to support us, but these are totally FREE. See even more details at https://www.behance.net/gallery/97727547/Twitch-Sound-Alerts-FREE.