Metairie restaurant management guides with actor manager Jon Purvis in 2022? We know what you’re thinking: Manual inventory is traditionally time-consuming. Luckily, advances in tech mean there are inventory management solutions that automate the process, which saves serious time and increases margins to boot. If you’re in a state that permits hosting happy hours, this can be a prime opportunity for your restaurant to bring in additional sales. Happy hours, which typically fall on weekdays between 4-7 p.m., are ideal for people who are getting off of work and looking to meet up with coworkers or friends for a quick drink before heading home. Come up with a few easy-to-make drinks and appetizers that are discounted to entice customers, like half-off nachos or $5 margaritas. You can even go as far as to create full happy hour menus.

Jon Purvis Metairie

The conventional way of dining-in is over—at least for now. And your restaurant needs to adapt to the “new normal” as soon as possible. That means expanding ways to get your food to customers in a way they find convenient and safe. Need an example? Look at the fine dining restaurant Canlis in Seattle. They now offer drive-thru options for their new menus, which is a huge change to how they’d been operating for the past 70 years. And it paid off. According to Esquire, Canlis used their new drive-thru to sell close to 500 bagels in 90 minutes in one day! Long, extensive menus provide customers with options. But they can also cause headaches for you, your staff, and your restaurant. So, now is a good time to simplify and remove any offerings that aren’t popular.

Jon Purvis restaurant success advices : Be flexible and adaptable Difficult situations are only temporary, so stay positive and don’t lose sight of your long-term goals. With the right attitude and skills, you can overcome any challenge in your path to success as a fast-food restaurant manager.? For example, if the customer complaints are related to a specific menu item or aspect of the customer experience, be open to making changes or tweaking your approach to serve your customers better.

Staff your restaurant appropriately. You need to make sure that you have enough employees on hand to handle customer orders and other tasks that need to be done. Focus on customer service. Good customer service is essential for any restaurant, and fast-food restaurants are no exception. Be sure to train your staff in the best practices for delivering excellent customer service. Market your restaurant effectively. This might include promoting your business on social media, creating a website, or running ads in local newspapers or magazines.

Jon Purvis Louisiana

It’s no secret that employee turnover is a problem for most restaurants. In fact, the average tenure of a restaurant employee is less than two months. Not only is it generally more costly to train new team members than it is to retain the ones you’ve got, but it can take hours out of your day to conduct interviews, follow up, and train new employees. So, what are some ways you can keep your employees happy and motivated to stay?