Mind body coaching and weight loss program by jsmindsetcoaching.com? When we re-rated the issues, I was at the opposite end of the scale in each case. I was no longer anxious but calm. I’m an atheist, so understanding where those positive thoughts came from was difficult, but I believe that since then I’ve let go of fears and negativity. Now I constantly remind myself that I can alter my environment by consciously changing thoughts. So far, I seem to have succeeded.

Another important aspect of a ThetaHealing session is when the practitioner checks out to discover if you hold specific beliefs through muscle testing; remember that everything which is being done during a session requires your consent, i.e. a simple yes signalizes that you are ready for the new reality. The sessions are done in a safe and supportive area where the practitioner and the individuals involved can freely explore all aspects of their life that they would like to change or improve. Without doubt, this technique is considered to help people resolve their emotional and physical struggles and it teaches one to connect the conscious and unconscious self with the purpose to acquire a better quality of life by aligning their thoughts and desires with their life experience.

After I had my first daughter I decided to learn how to do this so that she never had to live what I lived. I met Joanna and Simone and they gave me the right tools to create the habits and understand how to make it a way of life. I lost over 35kg (almost 80 lbs) and regained control of my life and happiness. I went to my lowest size 4 US (8 UK). I maintained this weight and size for many years after without struggle. After going through this life changing experience, I wanted to show people how it was possible, so I could help them achieve the happiness I now found. I worked with Joanna and Simone to create this program so everyone could achieve success and wellness in their mind and body. Discover extra details at Theta healing.

Being the best that you can be! Change starts with you. Whenever you set new goals you are open to changes in your life. Choose to create your life based on who you are now. Start by removing the obstacles of your conscious and subconscious mind and shift from believing it’s not possible, to everything is possible. Imagine life like a sentence. You get further from your goals when you decide to put a full stop to that. You get closer each time you insert a comma, each time you decide to take one more step. Do you want to know if you are getting closer or further from your goals? Book a session with JS Mindset coaching and start learning to live your life with the fullest potential.

Try to reframe your judgment into positive feedback towards yourself. Moderate your thoughts and make them conscious. Every time you think something unkind to yourself, imagine yourself as a small child, imagine looking into their eyes, and consider the truth you would tell them. Would you say you’re unattractive, or would you find the beauty that’s before you? Would you criticize and belittle your lack of knowledge or praise the wisdom you do possess? The tone, the approach, the kindness, gratitude, all change, as your point of view changes. You try to understand their approach to the problem, make them feel understood, and advise them. Hold yourself in this love, like you would the most precious person to you. Breathe deeply and imagine the love and acceptance filling all of you. Love is omnidirectional, so you are just adding yourself to it, a “me too” in the big picture of life and your life will change forever. See additional info on https://www.jsmindsetcoaching.com/.